It's dark outside and getting darker every day. Officially the sun will go down (and stay there for about two months) only next weekend, but our house is located in a valley with a mountain to the south, which means that the last time I saw the sun from the kitchen window was already a few weeks ago.
To counteract the darkness outside we stocked up on candles and I am trying to wrap my head around vitamin D, lumen, and where to get a daylight lamp. And, after more than two years (WTF?!), I finally got my dyepot out again. Woohoo!
This blend of 70% BFL and 30% silk seems to be one of my staple bases, I have used it a lot in the past and still like it. The colours are also very "me", I thought that since I became a bit rusty, it would be nice to start out with an easy colour combo that I knew would work.
These two came out of the same pot, but the bases are different and so are the results. The Polwarth/Tencel/Seacell blend (50/25/25) in the top picture came out much darker than the BFL/Bamboo blend (50/50) below, but I like them both. Looks a bit like burnt candy.
And, because I could not help myself, a (slightly messy) gradient. The base is 50% Shetland with 20% Silk and 20% Tencel. The wool was not entirely white, but a mixture of white and grey, toning the colours down somewhat. The silk adds a bit of shiny-ness, and white streaks come from the Tencel (a cellulose fiber that is not touched by the acid dyes).
I added the braids to my Ravelry stash and they will go up for sale soon. I also got myself an Instagram Account and a Facebook page. And, to add to the good news, it finally started snowing. Yippieh!
Du färbst immer so schöne Kammzüge! <3
AntwortenLöschenDankeschön :) Ich bin echt ein bisschen aus der Übung, aber so langsam kommt es wieder.
LöschenEs freut mich sehr, endlich wieder von deinen Färbereien zu lesen. :)
AntwortenLöschenOh was für schöne Farben auf deinen Kammzügen. Und ich stelle mir gerade vor, wie es wohl ist, wenn die sonne so viele Wochen gar nicht aufgeht - die trüben Tage die wir hier gerade haben finde ich ja ganz gemütlich - keine Ahnung wie es mir ginge, wenn das so lange anhält wie bei euch. Komm gut durch die dunkle Zeit! Viele Grüße, Christine